ORDS 24.3 Release Highlights

Overview There’s plenty to talk about in this release. However, I’m most excited about the performance improvements, ORDS sample applications, and documentation changes. Read on to get the whole story. Enhancements API Performance REST API responses from either AutoREST or customer based modules could see as much as a 30% improvement in response times. About … Read more

Extending ORDS with a Java plugin

About this article This article is a walkthrough and overview of setting up the example Java plugin that ships with ORDS. These plugins allow you to add functionalities and capabilities above what is possible with a standard ORDS configuration. In this example, the plugin allows you to use a name as a query parameter in an HTTP … Read more

ORDS 24.2 Release Highlights

NOTE: This can be thought of as a “companion piece” to the official ORDS release notes 🤓. What is new in Oracle REST Data Services 24.2? New HTTPS Response Status Codes In response to various support requests and internal feedback, we’ve expanded on the existing ORDS Status Codes (the current list can be found here)! … Read more

Python script to retrieve objects from Oracle Cloud Bucket

For…reasons, I needed a way to retrieve all the .CSV files in a regional bucket in Oracle Cloud Object Storage, located at this address: https://objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/n/dwcsprod/b/moviestream_data_load_workshop_20210709/o You can visit it; we use it for one of our LiveLabs (this one), so I’m sure it will stay live for a while 😘. Once there, you’ll see all … Read more

Build an ORDS API Resource Module, GET request with JavaScript fetch, display in HTML

Really trying to optimize SEO with that title 👆🏼! Recap 💡 All the code you’ll see in this post can be found in my moviestreamjs github repository.💡 This post is a continuation of a previous one, which can be found here. In this post, I’ll: If you are coming from the previous related post, then … Read more

Create a view from a JSON Collection and REST-enable it with ORDS

The DBMS_CLOUD PL/SQL Package You can use this PL/SQL procedure (in the DBMS_CLOUD package) along with the file_uri_list URL (seen in the code below) to create and then add JSON documents to a JSON Collection (good info on JSON Collections in the Oracle database). In this example, we call this collection Movie_Collection. 👆🏻 This is … Read more

Oracle Database REST APIs and Apple Automator Folder Actions

The plan was to create an ORACLE REST endpoint and then POST a CSV file to that auto-REST enabled table (you can see how I did that here, in section two of my most recent article). But, instead of doing this manually, I wanted to automate this POST request using Apple’s Automator application… Me…two paragraphs … Read more

Python and the Oracle Autonomous Database: Three Ways to Connect


Watch the deep dive videos: Part I Part II Part III Welcome back I finally had a break in my PM duties to share a small afternoon project [I started a few weeks ago]. I challenged myself to a brief Python coding exercise. I wanted to develop some code that allowed me to connect to … Read more

Where to learn SQL: a Slack message

What follows is a response I sent via Slack to one of our newest UX Designers. She comes to us by way of another sister business unit within Oracle. She was looking for some resources on where to learn/get better acquainted with SQL (Which for a UX and/or UI designer, I think is a really … Read more

Using Python Pandas to turn ISO Country Codes into a string to use as values for a SQL Query


Summary, code, resources Problem While querying a table (based on this dataset) with SQL, you realize one of your columns uses 3-character ISO Country Codes. However, some of these 3-character codes aren’t countries but geographical regions or groups of countries, in addition to the actual country codes. How can you filter out rows so you are left … Read more