Tinkering: a SQL script for the ORDS_ADMIN.ENABLE_SCHEMA procedure


Post-ORDS installation Once you’ve installed ORDS, you need to REST-enable your schema before taking advantage of ORDS (I used to forget this step, but now it’s like second nature). RESOURCES: I’ve discussed ORDS installation here and here. I’d check both pages if you’re unfamiliar with it or want a refresher. ORDS.ENABLE_SCHEMA / ADMIN_ORDS.ENABLE_SCHEMA While logged into your … Read more

Where to learn SQL: a Slack message

What follows is a response I sent via Slack to one of our newest UX Designers. She comes to us by way of another sister business unit within Oracle. She was looking for some resources on where to learn/get better acquainted with SQL (Which for a UX and/or UI designer, I think is a really … Read more

Using Python Pandas to turn ISO Country Codes into a string to use as values for a SQL Query


Summary, code, resources Problem While querying a table (based on this dataset) with SQL, you realize one of your columns uses 3-character ISO Country Codes. However, some of these 3-character codes aren’t countries but geographical regions or groups of countries, in addition to the actual country codes. How can you filter out rows so you are left … Read more