
  • Python script to retrieve objects from Oracle Cloud Bucket
    For…reasons, I needed a way to retrieve all the .CSV files in a regional bucket in Oracle Cloud Object Storage, located at this address: You can visit it; we use it for one of our LiveLabs (this one), so I’m sure it will stay live for a while 😘. Once there, you’ll see all … Read more
  • Build an ORDS API Resource Module, GET request with JavaScript fetch, display in HTML
    Really trying to optimize SEO with that title 👆🏼! Recap 💡 All the code you’ll see in this post can be found in my moviestreamjs github repository.💡 This post is a continuation of a previous one, which can be found here. In this post, I’ll: If you are coming from the previous related post, then … Read more
  • Create a view from a JSON Collection and REST-enable it with ORDS
    The DBMS_CLOUD PL/SQL Package You can use this PL/SQL procedure (in the DBMS_CLOUD package) along with the file_uri_list URL (seen in the code below) to create and then add JSON documents to a JSON Collection (good info on JSON Collections in the Oracle database). In this example, we call this collection Movie_Collection. 👆🏻 This is … Read more
  • The one ORDS command you NEED to know!
    ords config list –include-defaults That’s it. Goodbye! I’m kidding, there’s more. But if you don’t feel like reading anymore, bookmark this post and return when you’re ready. Assuming you have ORDS installed, you too can execute the ords config list –include-defaults command to reveal almost all the configuration settings for your ORDS installation. Here is what my configuration…
  • ORDS, JavaScript, the Fetch API, and HTML
    I found JavaScript and HTML code here and here and “remixed” it to work with one of my sample ORDS APIs. Here is the result: Impressive, no? Care to try it out? Read on friend! References I’ll front load with all the necessary stuff. That way, you can bounce if you don’t feel like reading. … Read more