New ORDS feature: handling multiple files from a multipart/form-data POST request

A new feature An ORDS user (or application) can now upload multiple files as part of a multipart/form-data POST request under various conditions. How can this be achieved with an ORDS endpoint? NOTE: Before you continue, it might be helpful to refresh your memory on, or learn more about multipart/form-data as a Content-Type. Details here. … Read more

Random Access Memories: ORDS and JWTs

EXTRA EXTRA! ORDS now supports JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). You can find most of the details in the OAuth PL/SQL Package Reference chapter of the ORDS Developer’s Guide. ORDS JWT OAUTH parameters You’ll notice two new procedures in that package: OAUTH.CREATE_JWT_PROFILE and OAUTH.DELETE_JWT_PROFILE. After getting acquainted with them, I wanted to highlight three parameters of … Read more

Tinkering: a SQL script for the ORDS_ADMIN.ENABLE_SCHEMA procedure


Post-ORDS installation Once you’ve installed ORDS, you need to REST-enable your schema before taking advantage of ORDS (I used to forget this step, but now it’s like second nature). RESOURCES: I’ve discussed ORDS installation here and here. I’d check both pages if you’re unfamiliar with it or want a refresher. ORDS.ENABLE_SCHEMA / ADMIN_ORDS.ENABLE_SCHEMA While logged into your … Read more