ORDS, JavaScript, the Fetch API, and HTML

I found JavaScript and HTML code here and here and “remixed” it to work with one of my sample ORDS APIs. Here is the result: Impressive, no? Care to try it out? Read on friend! References I’ll front load with all the necessary stuff. That way, you can bounce if you don’t feel like reading. … Read more

A quick ORDS REST-Enabled SQL Service example

I promise this post will connect back to an overarching theme. But for now, I want to show how you can take a SQL query and use that in combination with the ORDS REST-Enabled SQL Service to request data from a database table. The SQL query Here is the SQL query I’m using: The SQL … Read more

ETags and Oracle REST APIs

About this post I explore ETags and how they can be used in cURL commands when interacting with Oracle REST APIs. I also discuss some of the performance benefits of using ETags. This is not exhaustive, but I hope it introduces you to ETags or reminds you of their existence! But first… LATE-BREAKING NEWS!! A … Read more

Python and the Oracle Autonomous Database: Three Ways to Connect


Watch the deep dive videos: Part I Part II Part III Welcome back I finally had a break in my PM duties to share a small afternoon project [I started a few weeks ago]. I challenged myself to a brief Python coding exercise. I wanted to develop some code that allowed me to connect to … Read more